Friday, October 16, 2015

Harris' Preschool - Letter E

This week we learned about the letter E!  Since we had family visiting, we didn't do as many letter E activities, but we still had fun!

E is for Eggs!  Harris found a fun little egg game in the letter box for this week.  He matched the shapes on the bottom of the eggs to their corresponding holes.
Then he matched the faces on the chicks with the correct faces on the egg shells.
Letter E dobbers
E is for Eggs!
E is for Eyes! Harris made play-doh monsters with lots of googly eyes.  He could have done this for hours.
Making the letter E with his pattern blocks.
Harris matched sticker letters to the letters on the paper.  He did this with both upper & lowercase letters A-E. It was great letter practice & great for his fine motor skills.
E is for Envelope
We identified the number on the envelopes together & then Harris counted out that many E's to place inside.

Harris practiced "writing" H's with a chalkboard & water.
E is for Eggs - Harris matched upper & lowercase letters A-E.

We also used eggs to identify numbers 1-6 & count out that many beans to place inside.
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