Sunday, May 4, 2014

Nolin's Preschool - Letter P

Up this week - letter P!  As it seems every week has gone lately, we didn't get to everything I wanted, but we did manage to get a bit of learning fun in...

Letter P Mystery Box - a plate, a piece of paper, a pencil, pink, purple, peanut butter, Peeps, a plane, a pentagon, a pig, a princess, a puzzle, pebbles, upper & lowercase letter P's, a pear, a peach, a pirate, a purse, & a picture of kids playing
P is for PomPoms
PomPom Patterns
P is for Puzzles - one of Nolin's favorite activities
P is for Peep Play-doh - I found a recipe on Fun at Home with Kids that uses Easter Peeps to make play-doh, so I had to give it a try.  Mine didn't turn out so great, but it was fun.  We will have to try again in the future.  I think you can also do it with regular marshmallows. :)
We sure made a good mess trying!
Feed the Penguin Game - Nolin rolled the dice & counted the number...
Then she fed her penguin that number of goldfish!
P is for Pasta - sensory play! (I'll be honest, this was supposed to be N is for Noodles!  LOL.  But hey, we usually call it pasta anyway...)

Why not add some fun color to the pasta?  I used liquid watercolor to add a few drops.

P is for Pizza - Nolin created a pizza sticker master piece.  This was from a fun craft box that a friend gave Nolin on her birthday. 
P is for Pancakes, Pork, & Potatoes!  We had friends join us for brunch.  I had intended to read If You Give a Pig a Pancake &/or If You Give a Pig a Party, but instead we just ate & played this week.  :)  Nolin & I read them on a different day.
Nolin also received a super fun picnic game for her birthday that we have played several times.  I think it's going to be a fave.  :)

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