Sunday, February 2, 2014

Nolin's Preschool - Letter C

This week in Nolin's preschool our activities were centered around the letter C.
Nolin decorated a letter C with cotton balls.
We read the Eric Carle book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  Then we retold the story using a puppet & food cut-outs. 

Nolin decorated a caterpillar from an egg carton.
Nolin sorted upper/lowercase letter C's.
We read the book, If You Give a Cat a Cupcake & made a cat mask from a paper plate.
Nolin decorated a caterpillar with tissue paper.
Nolin practiced cutting with scissors in her cutting box.
Nolin put pictures of items that start with /k/ in the cookie jar.
She also matched the sprinkles on top of cookies to the correct number.
Nolin clipped clothes pins onto their corresponding colored cookie.

This is one of the activities from my friend Beth's blog (A Sugar-Mamma's Thoughts).  She also shared this cute little song: Five little cookies with frosting galore.  Nolin ate the red one, then there were four.  Four little cookies, two & two your see.  Nolin ate the green one, then there were three.  Three little cookies, but before I knew Nolin ate the white one, then there were two.  Two little cookies, oh what fun.  Nolin ate the blue one & then there was one.  One little cookie all alone, Nolin at the yellow one & now there are none! Nolin absolutely loved this little song.  We sang it over & over because she wanted to "eat" the cookies. 
We sorted candy by color.  We also sang the color songs while sorting each color.  Here is Nolin singing the Yellow song...

We cooked up some Alphabet Soup.  This was a great review for the letters A, B, & C, as well as shapes & colors.  I asked Nolin to put specific letters into the pot.  She looked for both upper & lowercase letters.  Then I asked her to put certain colors or shapes into the pot.  She really enjoyed making her alphabet soup.  Of course we ate some & even saved some for Daddy. ;)
We continued reviewing A, B, & C with cars & a parking lot made from cardboard.  Nolin drove her cars around & parked them on the letters that I named.  We also practiced numbers with this activity.
Nolin counted out pieces of candy & put them on the numbered caterpillar.
We did some color mixing.  I put the primary colors on pieces of white paper & inside gallon-sized bags.  Then Nolin mixed each of the colors together to see what new color was made.  We mixed blue & yellow to make green; yellow & red to make orange; & red & blue to make purple. 
We talked about the life cycle of a butterfly after reading Eric Carle's book again.  Then we made this fun little craft.  (I usually use pasta shells for the cocoon, but I forgot to get some this past week.)

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